Still in the anchor position. 15 weeks to go!
Totally fine already. I live the dress I got for Hawaiian night. It's so pretty even though I am not usually a fan of pink. Kurt has requested a...
The security staff seemed to be much less intrusive last week. Maybe you won't get told to put your nipples away this time!
Kurt seems highly intrigued by your birthday suit suggestion. Remind him that it's not his birthday!
Trish your birthday is on a Lingerie night this year? I foresee cake in hard to reach places. :)
40 minutes left to work this week and then only 2 more work days til Cancun! I can feel my newbie friend getting more anxious by the second. Her...
Four days is better than no days and they would be while we are there!
Berta and Kurt will be there Nov. 30th til Dec. 10th! So excited to see the chaos Crewe again.
Well Zurc just wears a sock so she will have to out-sexy him. hehe. Seriously though I say push the comfort zone a little, cover up the main bit...
I lol`d
Hey! I found my date on the Internet.
we usually bring about $300 for a week. about $30 per day for meals drinks and maids and then the rest for bellmen, drivers and others who impress us.
Look for the orange bracelets! We will be looking forward to meeting you!
paid the final balance today! Less than a month to go!
Well the boat got its revenge on Kurt. He was missing a toenail on the last cruise. Sent from my SGH-I747M using Tapatalk
But only when his face is blurred. We should bring the "life jacket drunk" life jacket with us next time. I needed it last trip. Sent from my...
I did not notice her til now and the guy in front of the hut kinda looks like Russ! I did just notice the one lady that looks like she's flipping...
My husband and I had "the rules" conversation when we first started dating again before we moved in together again before our first trip to ttr...
I noticed and appreciate that you do that. I think that's why I can relax more on a chaos crew Boobs Cruise and I couldn't on our last one. I...
And in our case the crappy google street view sold us on our house since we could see all the work that went into it. That Google street view of...