OK 5 more days of work, a show to dance in and a costume to finish, I can do this! I am simultaneously wishing it was sooner and a bit farther away.
Trish - you could wait and see how things are going and then head down the day of to see if there is any room on the boat.
Kurt would come on the fourth but I am not sure about Tamara and Trish.
I hear you on the white clothes. I think I got something good this year though, silver totally counts as white right? I do also have to change...
Nope but our friends will be heading out on the boat with kurt.
Booked for 3 under redmistclone.
Ahh mental picture! I respectfully request that happy is left off the list. We are performing it in our next show and I am sick to death of that...
I think the 30th would be a good day only since that's our first full one. We won't have time to build up hangovers yet!
No not for me, I am going to take a break from them for a while.
1 for December 2nd and 8th. Just Kurt this time.
Yay! At least our days cross for a little bit.
That sounds vaguely like Darla and I on our last night. Oh good intentions I'll always have you. [emoji2]
Kurt and I will join you for your birthday!
I think so. And that's the third picture this week that's done that to me.
I hate those when you see it pictures right now. My perception roll is super low.
I love this idea Haha.
Yeah those glow sticks last year sucked for breaking and leaking. I was so paranoid about getting glass in my eye from them. I like the idea of...
You could resell it to strippers after you are done with it. Hehe.
Probably won't be able to get a reservation for Saturday night. However there are 2 sit down restaurants and the buffet that are walk up...
They had fans on August 5th. I have no idea if they are a permanent addition or not.