Hello, Don't suppose anyone has an idea where I can buy formica laminate sheets from do they? Thanks
You take our sports then make the guys wear tight lycra-based pants and it "makes it more fun", what's up with that Gonzo? :icon_biggrin:
You are being sarcastic aren't you? :) Rounders is where baseball came from, we've been playing it since Tudor times before America even...
You can get the ADO - http://www.ado.com.mx/ from downtown Cancun. You can get a bus Cancun to Tulum archeological site. Then take a ADO from...
I had a taxi that made me get out and refused to take me to Cumbres for 30 pesos. I checked the sheet before I left and SM18 to Cumbres is 30...
They don't and won't share the wealth. The point is the raise is illegal and it makes a huge difference to people's lives and they can't pay...
Alamos 1 has all the services etc., and Alamos 11 is getting there. You should be able to pick up 10,000 m2 for 5,000,000 or so.
Hi there does anyone know if Nancy is still responsible for the american smile clinic? and maybe have a contact for her? Thanks Mat
Thanks TJ mate - always a wealth of good local information! :icon_smile: Just to clarify for any gringos reading this thread, the 50 and 100 TJ...
It's kind of funny, I live in Cancun and me or none of the Mexicans in the office had even heard about it, or no where that area is - I only find...
Hey TJ - I didn't know they had live dealers still! that's great, I thought it was all computerized. I don't suppose you know what the min bet is...
No, sorry they need to speak English. It's just a one off one hour gig for 900 pesos using a website.
Hi there, if any of you know any teachers that speak a bit of English (they don't have to teach English, just speak it), and have access to Skype...
Congratualtions V!!!! So no more immigration ever from now on? Do you think we will still have to go to the little immigration booth at the...
Hi Steve, Is it like this sort of thing - http://www.amazon.co.uk/Caravan-Motorhome-Camping-Magnetic-Indicator/dp/B001I28QO6 I'll get one if...
I vote we change this thread name from "Cancun INM, Amazing Changes!" to just "Cancun INM, Changes" :)
Don't worry, thousands of people stay there each year without a problem and have an incredible time, don't let the scaremongers ruin your holiday! :)
How do restaurants and other cash businesses get round this then when they deposit their takings? or do they have to pay the tax?
If I got a cashiers check for the money and then deposited that check into the account we wouldn't be liable for the tax right?