Grand oasis Sens Wed May 24th thru Sunday May 28th quick getaway hope to see some of the Fun May group from Temptation
Well with Temptation closed we figured to try the New One out..We like Breathless in DR so hope it's nice and we will meet people and have fun...
Booked Friday 9/29-Sat 10/7 missed it last year!!
Wow prices really dropped for us so We Booked flying in Friday night 9/29/17 thru Saturday 10/7/17 throw out flights cause we like to fly out of...
see you guys there we get in Saturday 3/4/17 till 3/11/17
see you guys at Breathless we are there 3/4-3/11
we will be there 3/4-3/11
Breathless Resort 3/4/17-3/11/17 couple of 2 Cruise Maybe
see you there we will be in friday night 9/30 thru sat 10/8 say hi..Kevin/Carolyn
down to 72 hrs till we fly out Friday night 9/30/16 for 8 nights...or to make it better about 16 hrs of work..packing Wednesday