New dinner dress
Ok work till noon on Friday then at airport by 4pm in Cancun Friday 29th night by 10pm so suitcase to the room then a Bash night it will be
Wow only week left to go Friday 9/29/17 get here,Theme nights stuff packed..Cups..Pool bag and swimsuits and flip flops packed going thru dresses...
Express check in done.for late Friday 9/29/17 yes.......suitcases out...most theme items packed..getting closer
Wow fly in late on Friday 9/29 right after work...So it will be a Bash night only with Burgers for dinner..That's OK 21 days until we are at the...
Just under 6 weeks for our trip getting in late Friday 29th planned so we have a FULL Saturday lol and today is 6 weeks to Boobs Cruise most of...
Monday Oct 2nd booked 4 Kevin/Carolyn
count down to Sept 29th welcome back Temptation
Kevin and Carolyn Dates: Sept 29th-Oct 7th Group of 2
14weeks till back at Temptation let's see what the new place has in store.
so once they confirm the dates they are doing Hotel themes Group theme will adjust to match??
Themes are looking Good just got back from Oasis Sens and a lot of Temptation people there in May tired hard to make it Great but so many issues...
Going to Grand Oasis 5/24-5/28 already booked everything for Sept 30th -Oct 8th ready to see all the Oct group again..
Ready for Grand Oasis in May and Booked and Ready for Temptation in Sept 30th-Oct 8th
3 Weeks from today we will spending the night in Atlanta for a early morning Wednesday 5/24/17 flight to Cancun to spend 4 nights at Grand oasis...
Sept 29th till Oct 7th...let's see the new place going Cancun in May hope to go down see the place
Loss pirate boat is great did it in Oct we didn't get back till 3am to Hotel....We need Someone You or Lisa/Tony sign us up for it early in week...
Ready for the reopening!!
watching the theme night list and the rebuilding photos..Hotel owed us 2 free nights due to closing last year but booked a great rate thru orbitz...
went to Breathless March 4th-11th Great resort..Now all booked for getting in at 10am on Wednesday 24th thru Sunday 28th be good to see Temptation...