OK we are coming in Sept 28th thru Oct 6th..Just got back from May trip saw Nikki there..So Kevin/Carolyn 9/28-10/6...As far as theme nights while...
See you guys when we get it about 10p Tuesday safe travels
Should be Fun to see................
We are in 5/22-5/27
Thanks Lisa for making it easier..Carolyn and I are following your lead Red,White and Blue..Or Tony's lead R/W/B sleep pants..
laid everything out from Now Tuesday 5/15 thru Weekend to be ready for Tuesday 5/22/18 late flight in..after work won't get in till 9:30pm on...
Leaving in couple of Weeks for our May Trip 5/22-5-27 But already Booked all of Sept/Oct stuff..Fly in Late Friday 9/28 thru Saturday 10/6/18
WOW Sunday 4/22/18 marks the 30 day countdown to May 22nd LONGGGGGGGGGGG 30 days
Booked May 22-27 2018 and Sept 28th -Oct 6th
6 weeks from tonight YES..Fly out right after work on Tuesday 5/22/18..1st class both legs..so pre-drink Drink..USA transfer done straight to...
count down is on We are flying in late Tuesday 5/22/18 thru Sunday 5/27/18 see you then
see you then 5/22-5/27
Kevin and Carolyn May 22nd-May 27th
Hell and Heaven
my guys
Love new pool
New Glow night