I just get a kick out if people who complain about or need or want 5 star food. That's fine if you want it but then go to a resort that you can...
Food ? That's not even top 10 on the list of important things. Just cuts into the buzz of drinking all day.
We r booking first week in April. 1000 bucks cheaper to go oasis. So we can make a party anywhere. So that's why we are going
Yes. Read it. Sounds great. I guess I didn't read close enough though. Lol. I wouldn't be surprised when it fully changes over the prices...
Ah. Ok. Sounds good. We are thinking about April. By then should have a decent idea. Thanks
Looks great Cheaper then temptations. Adult only , what more can you ask for. Does the crowd get wild there or just like every where else...
Would I get to see boobs ? :)
They are terrible out of Vancouver or Seattle lately Anyone found any decent ones for December ?
Well that sucks. :-(
Isn't this club going to be 18 and over and topless ? We were looking at going. Prices are really cheap right now
Well the trip report helped a bit. We would be staying up late partying. Is there a night club ? Dance floor ? Hot tub busy all night ?...
Looks like we will be there from the 1st to the 14 th. in that area anyway Lets hope the weather is a great as it was last year. It was...
Of course. If we had other stuff we needed but if just smokes or booze for room and if the duty free is there. Seems much easier
When I first get to any resort. First thing we want to do is hit the pool and swim up bar , not going on a bus into town. Maybe that's just us....
We flew from Vancouver to Dallas then cancun. So we must have gotten the American arrival area.
Maybe there is more then one arrival area ? Cause yes there is a duty free there , not sure why the regulars haven't seen or noticed it.
We got our smokes at the duty free at the airport , saved us a stop on our way to resort. It's the way we will do it from now on. Worked great
Agreed. We don't go to Mexico to eat We go to party and meet good people. In the 20 or so trips to both temptations , only once or twice...
First week if December the pool was fine. It was refreshing when you got in. If you got in and got out and back in again. It was warm....
Ummm. Thought I would ask again. Thanks