You will want to bring some sort of insulated cup or mug! We did on your first trip last year and was so glad we did!!
Just saying hi !! Me and the hubby usualy go to Cancun in the fall and went to TTR last October and looks like we are going to Book TTR June 2015,...
Well we wont be able to be there in October because eric has a new job and no Vaca time until next febuary :( So looks like we may book June 2015...
We are definetely going to ttr in October!! Cant wait to book!
Don't temp me... LoL It's snowing now!!
Its funny to me that I had never met any of you before and didnt really get introducted to many of you when we were there but I still think about...
Glad you could finaly join us my love!!
-We landed on friday and the airport was not busy at all :) -We had to turn our damn heater on last week, not happy! -I started looking at prices...
This is so funny because we have a 2 min video that we took from the cruise (that I can't get to upload to shutterfly) and its of this EXACT...
We went ahead and put ours on there too, I know many of you have seen them on our photobucket but its great to have everyones in one spot!!
I dont remember if I send you the like last night or not but I will pm them to you now. ;)
Yeah they deleted a few random ones of the ones I put up, not even the worst ones though lol
I just reloaded 2 of the pictures so i hope they don't delete them again, one of them are of you and kyle ;) the others were almost duplicates of...
nope it was a great time!! we couldnt believe how much fun we had!!
LOL I have some good one of you guys! I will send you the link to our pictures in a private message!! :icon_cool:
Just realizing that I havent wrote about what we thought about our trip at all so here I go, We had an AMAZING time!(Missing it already) Way...
Ok I have our pictures up on my photobucket acct and it is password protected so if you were on the cruise and you want to see the pictures please...
We have some and we are going to try and upload them to a password protected site tonight and I will send you guys the password, if that doesnt...
We have alot of pictures from the cruise but not sure how and where to post them because they are ....well ya know ;)
I do! Please send them to me.Do you want me email address or do you send them on here?