Definitely sexy but also whatever your comfortable in.
I got a neon pink mesh outfit from
Yeah!! Us 2 and another couple!!
Pretty sure it's the same time zone.
You should still come with us in the 10th!!
Yeay! The boobs cruise for the 10th opens for deposites tomorrow !! :)
I started too :mnm:
Well if your going to post like that you should probably back it up with Why.....
Hope all is well!!
Looking forward to meeting you both! We are the 9-14th :)
Just the norm... tanning, shopping, packing and trying to figure out what hair cut I want before we leave LOL
Yeay!! :clappyinghappy::daveandmo:
yea we were hoping for the 12 too so we could get to know everyone a little bit before the cruise, but I guess we will be going our 2nd day there.
Who's all planning on going on the boobs cruise on the 10th? I feel like everyone is going on the 14, we leave on the 14 :(
This is great and so true!!
Since there is such a big group coming from desire for the 10th and I think there is a lot of us that will want to be on that cruise, I vote for...
I have been slacking on my cancuncare! I need to catch up! 54 days!!!
We are leaving out of St.Louis and connecting in Chicago. Should Land in cancun around 12:40pm on the 9th :)
Thanks for the add, we are from Illinois also and we are arriving the same day as you both. Where are you guys flying out of? Cant wait to meet...
Im still trying to figure out what Bacchanal consist of LOL ... I will have to google that