......the old adage, "the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing" fits every country's red tape....This is a popular saying in Canada...
April 13, or 14 will work for me.
Jajajaja....I expired on March 25th; you'll get used to it. jajajaja.....I did. Living here with no official Mexican status seems no...
Same questions
My beloved dollar went from 61 cents US a few years before Wilma, to 85 cents US a few months after Wilma, to 106 US two years ago. If I had a...
Hi Marlo, Mauricio put mine in on March 22nd, and all was acceptable by Cancun's people. If I understand the gist of your comment, don't worry...
Ha!! Master Yoda, many things have I learned from you - and now another have I! Thanking you I am.
TJ, it's possibly not the same thing, but may apply to my situation, but let me get your clarification: are u saying that I could take the credit...
Tristan, Mauricio wanted 3 months' bank statements for my app to Perma. Res. - from four years of FM3.
Do u remember the 50's song...."oo ee, oo ee baby won't u let me take u on a sea cruise?" I find myself suddenly following the Temptations'...
You can work - as if you're NOT a scary foreigner; sweet deal.
That's Spanish - for I was approved, eh?? Congrats, Steve!!!
One for April 3rd, please'n'thank you.
Yes, I'm in Pto. Morelos, and if the Cancuners would like to car-pool it 32 kilometers down to me, I would be honored. And as you note, V, I'm...
Who is up for a beer or two, maybe Wednesday eve?
Thanks V.
How much more shame could one man endure? I hope he has a limit to his self-loating; he was the best once. PS: My Permanent Residence application...
No I certainly don't; I'll switch my flight's departure date, and stay in Mexico till I get the renewal.
TJ...I call these the good old days, or "los bueno dias viejos"......lol...(my espagnol es malo) My plane ticket keeps me there in Mx. exactly 6...
There's a French strip club in Quebec (that's a province in Canada that we all wish would "go and become its own country" - and stop mooching...