Are your windows etc. gone?
Thanks. Do you have his number, Rudy?
I'm looking for the best bang-for-the-buck hurricane shutters. Has anyone bought any lately?
Well then, it's obvious she's aware of your she introduced the teenage daughter to me because she clearly knows a perfect...
Someone in Vancouver said online that they use Ria to wire transfer money, but Ria's live chat says they're not here in Canada yet. To my fellow...
Guys, I hope you buy your beers from the happy, chatty, smiling, dark-skinned, short-haired woman on the 3rd base side, with a happy, quiet,...
Immigration will be keeping tabs on the exit/entry of us PR's however.
Huh????? No entiendo........I wish I had a buck for every time I've said that in the past 7 years..... Is this a private communique on an open...
It won't happen for a while now, V, as I my flight leaves tomorrow - and I'm mucho busy cleaning and packing. By the way, my taxi driver, like...
The games must be being broadcast live somewhere: I saw a few professional video cameras on tripods close to the action. His catch might make ESPN...
I have paperless monthly statements at my bank in Canada.Mauricio noticed that my 3 bank account printouts from my bank's online setup didn't have...
The office now closes at pm, which was when I got there, and they require 2 "infantile" pics that I don't have. But I said I could let them use my...
Call him what you want - annoying, etc - after that gutsy play, just don't call him a yellow bellied chicken............lmfao
I have a 10 pound Weight Watchers ribbon, and I'll tweak it with a black marker for you. Sound good or what? lol YOU'RE A CANCUNCARE LEGEND, TJ!
Thanks TJ. And V. you're now in the special book of mine where TJ has long I'll pass on your thanks, V, to the guard and...
Silly me, I thought it was the typically hockey chant, "Charge!"
OK, will tell him if I see him.
Tomorrow, I am going to get my INAPAM card - hopefully. I'm crossing my fingers that this new "Mexicanadian" can handle the "interview" in Spanish.
Actually, I've been checking out people to make me a palapa, and there's a guy, Julio, who comes in from Leona Vicario, whose work and price is to...
Actually, I went last night, my first time ever. The whole thing is very festive, as the beer and food hawkers are almost as enjoyable as the...