Sounds like a plan indeed!! Beer n tequila chaser for me and I will ask Suzy what she wants!! :icon_biggrin:
All this picture shifting is a bitch for my iPad Brenda!! :icon_lol: Andy n Suzy
Know the feeling!! Exactly two weeks to this very hour we will be arriving in TTR!!! Where's the bar and who will be there to greet us???...
Great message :) Drunk is good - practise for Cancun. Pretty heavy hangover here too today!! We arrive Tuesday 27th for 2 weeks!! We're...
Only 17 for us!!! Canna wait!! :daveandmo: :flagscottland:
We're doing two!! Need an (un)dress rehearsal before the main show on Labour Day!! Andy n Suzy :flagscottland:
Good news!! Madness indeed I suspect!! When do you arrive in TTR? Andy n Suzy :flagscottland: :beer4:
This will be 4th and my wife's 5th trip and we have never done a Boobs Cruise - the shame of it I know!! I'm sure it will be mayhem!
Boobs Cruise on Labor Day if you hadn't noticed it yet!! :icon_smile: But get in quick cos its popular! Going to be a memorable day I think!!...
Hi guys and welcome to the mayhem!! We will be here when you arrive - be good to say hi and share a drink or two! Suzy (wife) tried for...
you never know when you will be bitten in the ass!! If you are lucky this may happen at temptation ;-) but if you are unfortunate and something...
We are going 27th Aug - 10th Sep and we are definitely 30+!! The Labor Day thread has a list of all going at that time and it shows a very...
Woohoo thats me (Suzy) and him (Andy) booked for 30th and 2nd!! Every good show needs a successful dress rehearsal!! Bring on the mayhem!...
Woohoo!!! Party time!! Two Scots booked up and celebrating their 7th Wedding Anniversary on this day!!! Who's bringing the champagne???...
Indeed it would Lora!! 2nd September is our 7th Wedding anniversary too!! Spent our honeymoon in TTR so a Boobs cruise on that day would be so...
Your first night will be our last sadly but be good to pass on some of our experiences to fellow Scots!! You will have an awesome time - we...
It sounds so much better when you are counting days and not months until your TTR party time! Look forward to meeting you there!!...
Welcome and look forward to partying with you!! :flagscottland: :lotsofmichaelfs:
We are still there for 9 days after Labour Day and we are sure the fun will continue!! Looking forward to you joining us!! Oh and from tomorrow...
Oh i'm loving the idea of these! yummy :aetsch004: