This post may be over 2 yrs old, but it is worth bringing up. Nothing worse than having your wife's one of a kind 10k ring lost/stolen/misplaced...
land at 645, boobs cruise at 1030.... YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! One more work day, finish packing and 7am flight on Thurs has us getting to the resort...
Now we just tell people the truth, but back when I did have concerns, I would always say Blue Bay... It used to be Blue Bay Getaway, and there...
Dude, Really... only a 45 min dumbell workout before your run? How can you live with yourself. My day is pretty much the same.. well...
I will be that not quite nearly guy Keeping white night and red/black night at under 100%. GOT my tuxedo boy shorts, bow tie, and white cuffs(...
Well that didnt work, lol 15day, 22hours and 35 min...... Sent from my SM-J700T1 using Tapatalk
[img] :headbanger::cheerleaders::partyhorn: :ladiesman1::lotsofmichaelfs::mnm: :bootyshake::bj::bj::3some:
We leave the 3rd, so we will make sure the 2nd to get some special birthday treatment... ALL DAY...haha Sent from my SM-J700T1 using Tapatalk
Get there a day Sent from my SM-J700T1 using Tapatalk
Right,lol... Sent from my SM-J700T1 using Tapatalk
Woohooo.. We will see you on the 28th :lotsofmichaelfs:
We took a short weekend trip to Austin for the 4th.. going back that way this weekend to go tubing with friends.. LOTS of liver preparation, not...
Lol... we may (or may not) have spent an extra day at TTR last year in someone's room using the laces from my swim trunks as preferred member...
Save me a few... or at least one to use as a cock ring by the end of the Sent from my SM-J700T1 using Tapatalk
We get there hopefully before noon on the 28th.. get a few cocktails. meet some old and some new friends. play some tequila volley ball. more...
We love the theme nights, pushing our limits a bit more each time. I think we have everything set except ABC night covered.. Jenn is gonna make...
Yes it's definitely real... Imagine coming back from dinner, finding plates outside your room, the door slightly open, and some guy passed out in...
We get there on the 28th.. We'll have a cold one waiting for ya:daveandmo:
Last summer friend was wearing fishnet top.. with big holes.. so no nip coverage... no problem.... same night Jenn's dress kept riding up and...
Looks like we will be missing you guys by about a week.. :(...