The solution is clearly for Steve to make this a private forum - no new members starting today! :icon_mrgreen: Seriously, though, I doubt we...
In all honesty, I think all my TTR knowledge started on Tripadvisor. When so many people who hate something all describe it in a way that sounds...
Might as well talk about the other clubs we've been to... The other clubs we've been to are The City and Mandala. City is HUGE. I think they...
The resort sends a shuttle to a club every night, leaving around 10:30-11, if I remember correctly. As of last February, the schedule (resort...
My approach is a hybrid of Lion's and Donald's: Monday morning through Friday afternoon, eat high protein/low carb, minimal alcohol and no beer,...
I was thinking the same thing but decided to do a quick search for kilts on Amazon and found this:...
You forgot, "...and can I come?!?"
My advice would be to definitely discuss any thoughts along those lines ahead of time, and anything you aren't comfortable discussing before you...
A happy story or two: At the end of our trip last February we were on our way to the airport when my wife realized she left her diamond 10-year...
Well for doing the competitive lap swimming that I'm sure you'll be doing every night :icon_mrgreen: it's fine. But at night in February it's well...
Last Feb it was definitely chilly, but I'm a bit of a dancing fiend and I tend to get pretty hot. So the pool was perfect for a quick...
That's easy: Book a ticket today for 2/15-2/22!
And we're official - Feb 15-22!! We're flying out in a couple days for Paris and Barcelona, and couldn't bear the thought of getting home...
We're gonna watch airfare a little longer, but we'll be there, most likely Feb. 15-22.
There is only one sport and there is only one team: University of Kentucky basketball.
We don't speak french but after a few days last February we were able to "communicate" with our new Quebecois friends just fine.
Hey there T & J! Looks like we may be sharing the week with you guys again! Haven't nailed anything down yet either, though. Lennie and Jodie -...
Sheesh, we're only halfway there?? We're gonna have to go more than once next year. Still workin on dates, but we'll be there late Feb., maybe...
I've got flight alerts set up for Presidents' Day week. So no official plans yet but I'd say we're about 99.9% to be back in late Feb. So far...
Some of my best meals at TTR have been at the seafood place, which is also no reservations required. Usually about a 30-45 min wait at dinnertime.