I do admit, I like the whole 69 friends.....lol but I need room from my new friends too....
Miami Vice, Bahama Mama are good drinks to start your morning off. Scooby Doo's, Purple Shit, Windex (its the blue shots...that what we called...
Any suggesstions on good websites for bikini's? I have bought from Amiclubwear, Berrydog, Dangerous curves, Victoria secret, and Yandy, But am...
That's what I thought too..... Lol. :-)
silly question........This is the first time that we have booked our trip separately vs. a package. I am a teeny bit worried about them over...
Whoa..... This is horrible and completely handled wrong by the resort.
So my sister and I decided to "tie" one on last night in celebration that she/BF booked flights for May. We drank TTR style and unfortunately I...
We don't offer it up, but if people ask we say Temptation. Usually most people just say "oh, ok?!".......lol
The hubs and I were just talking about this last night. We are confirmed to go but we did the things a little different this year so the price...
Seeing the role call for May makes me super excited....not to mention that the second week is looking like a pretty epic time. I think I'll...
Bubba mugs at the resort gift shop I find are pretty expensive. But if you go across the street to the story/pharmacy you can get a good price.
Oh I know hey!! I need a drink or 12
This was in no way meant to be a personal attack on members or non-members. Thank you for your candid response....like you said....personal...
You know what's annoying to me???????? And honestly, I expect some people to be pissy with me about this...BUT...what really grinds my gears is...
I am thinking this is a great idea compared to how we have gone to the clubs in the past. Might have to do this.
This just made me miss CoCo Bongo sooooo much!! May 8th can't get her fast enough!!!!!!
we go to CoCo Bongos all the time....LOVE IT
WOW....that was a little harsh the way you put it....but you are correct about the ages.
This is an interesting topic.....I think there are lots of different variables when it comes to this. I use to have lots of pics on here, but...
How's it going? I don't know about you guys, but I feel like its so far away yet. Are you guys going to do the boobs cruise?