I participate in about half of the theme nights. Only because I usually find cute outfits that I can't wear at home, so I make sure I wear them...
We are at TTR May 8-18. Hope to see you when you arrive....we'll have a couple drinks together!! See you on the 16th.
I totally hear you! We have had a really interesting winter, so May can not come fast enough!!!! Snow can suck it! The first time I went to TTR...
I'm 33 years old and I started going to TTR when I was 29. Like everyone else has said so far, age doesn't matter.
I usually do about half of the theme nights cause I always find cute outfits I want to wear too. :-)
We were actually thinking of doing this too for an afternoon. Go for lunch and drinks on the strip.
10 weeks until........... 1. I walk into TTR and realize 'I'm Home' 2. My room close to Paty O's listening to the DJ while the hubs and I make...
sounds like a few firemen will be there in May. The hubs is a firefighter too
Welcome to the group! You will have a fantastic time at TTR.
annnnnnnnnndddddd.....this is the exact reason why I love TTR and CAN NOT wait to go in May!
lol I love the effort/enthusiasm. The pasties I bought are pretty much just jewels that surround my nipples....lol I pretty much bedazzled my...
Whooo hooooo, seriously can not wait!! I can't wait. Just ordered myself two new bikinis and a LOT of pasties. lol
Whoot, whoot! We'll be waiting at the sexy pool for your guys!!
usually about two weeks for me. I'm in Alberta
I celebrated my 30th birthday at TTR. I didn't tell the resort, but all my new friends sure made it a great birthday to remember!
I heard the weather wasn't great the last week? Is that true? lol
I didn't realize you could even change that to be honest. How do you do that??
Hey there, just saying hello! The hubs and I will be there the 8-18. Looking forward to saying hello at the sexy pool. :)
I just realized mine expired, so I went today and made sure to get the 10 year one!! Good thing I checked cause May is coming soon. lol
From my experience at TTR (we have been 5 times and going again in May) the incident that is being widely talked about here is out of the norm. My...