Okay, taking a poll to see if we can get a small group together for a sex toy exchange and looking for the best time of day to do it
There seems to be more interest in doing it before the boobs cruse
Sweet thanks
Okay this is my first thread any one know how to add a poll so we can tally up who’s i for the morning sex toy exchange?
That’s an awesome idea!!!! We’re in for that for sure!!!
It’s my better half’s birthday!
That’s awesome!!!!!
Dates are not firm but I am hoping for her birthday
Maybe a few but we will probably have it a couple hours later or something I’m just seeing if there is enough people interested in it then Figure...
My girlfriends birthday is April 20th and we are doing the boobs cruise! We want to set up a sex toy exchange party for that evening/afternoon...
Ooooooooooo okay yeah I kinda figured but thought I would find out
We’re there the same time see you there!!! :cool:
I have a stupid question, I’m not going till April but I keep seeing these room crawl posts, what’s a room crawl???????????????
Edmonton in April!!
Lol I tried that and one bed ended up being the place to dump all our shit bed and the other was for sexy messy sleeping lol!!!
We arive the 18th can’t wait to meet everyone!!
We will be there the 18th to the 25th did the Boose cruise a couple times but it’s our first time staying there !!!!!super excited