Not worth it at all. The second you start having fun at a place, they scoop you up and herd you to the next place. And honestly, Sr. Frogs has...
Again, buses cost 8.5 pesos. This info above may have been copied form either an old post or website. Cost hasn't been 6 pesos in over 3 yrs.
They don't have too much of a day time life either, so I would say for sure get out to the hotel at night to find a pulse. Hotel is VERY nice and...
It's 8.5 pesos. And in the Hotel Zone the stops are marked. If you just go outside your hotel and it isn't a stop, you will get passed by. Whether...
I soooooooooooo wish your place took dogs. Nancy's places are beautiful.
It was required for me and for all my friends that brought their dogs in as well. And who wouldn't chip their pets anyway? So many have been...
It's in Plaza Forum. That is located in the middle of where all the Nighclubs and bars are in the Hotel Zone. The Hard Rock here is like all the...
Steve, PM me the specifics of what your selling please. I have been all talk for about a year now. First it was a moped, but those are too...
You are 100% Teej. And for over a week I while they were phasing out the R-15's , I was getting home from work after midnight. eating 45 for a bus...
They had to go and confuse it. The old R-2 line is the same, making a right onto Kabah and then going to parts unknown to me. They made the R-15's...
Just so no one gets into the same pissed off state as me, the R-15 buses are now R-2 La Luna 95-96 buses. Not sure why anyone would pull this kind...
I work at a hotel and have been in plenty of them here. They do check.. front and beach accesses. The hotel I am in now is a 5 Diamond resort and...
October is low Season in Cancun. And the Oasis is one of the hotels that shuts down most of their properties because of it. Leaving the Grand...
LOL not sure why but this post makes me giggle. Been living here for 2.5 yrs, have eaten at many places in the HZ and Centro, and SB is my...
There isn't much to be said, as its still under construction. Looks nice and its pretty massive!
From one tbrown to another, lol, and I have a lot of experience on this subject...... You need to go to a usda certified vet and have an...
I wish CC had a "Like" button!!!!! I couldn't agree more.
just watched that dame video again and it got me even more angry. I am so happy I do not live in the US. The lengths these reporters will go for a...
If anyone has a brain of their own, they would look at the us travel advisories, and see that Cancun nor anywhere near us is listed as a dangerous...
The Oasis brand has made some BIG changes this past year...including a stadium that will hold concerts. So now they are on par with the rest of...