Great info on the US flights!! Thank you for your help & advice :)
Hey guys, did we meet last May? Judging by the profile pic we've got a hazy memory of the Brazilian party & some platform dancing......
Hi Guys, did we meet May last year?
Hi Guys, so, we've been 7 times in all from the UK & are well versed in how to get the very best deal to TTR....however, we move to Burlington ON... tub room upgrade!! Paaaarty
W don't arrive until 6:00PM on the 30th, look out for us at the cabaret or in Patios....see you soon
Last bits of shopping done, gummi bears purchased, ziplock bags purchased, vodka at airport.....they should be ready to go Sunday night........
Thanks for the friends invite, look out for us from Saturday evening on & say hi if you spot us
7 day countdown Well, today starts the 7 day countdown & only 4 days of work left....can't wait to party ttr style :lotsofmichaelfs:
Thanks for the friends invite, You have the advantage on us, so please come & say hi as long as we haven't scared you
Hey guys, thanks for the friends add....think you can spot us so come & sayhi....arriving in time for saturdaynight shenanigans on the 30th
See you there guys, come & say hi
Parking...check, overnight hotel...check, transfer...check, express check in...check. The 2 week countdown has started. See you all very soon :-)
We'll look forward to it ;-)
Hi guys, we hope to bump into you in the pool....say hi if you see us xx
3 weeks today we'll be enjoying the first day of our vacation....balance paid & transfers's beginning to feel a lot like Temptations :-)
& lets be honest.....we want to see them:flash::clappyinghappy:
30 days countdown has started.......can't wait for our TTR fix, catching up with old friends & making lots of new we hope
Thanks for the friends request, when are you guys at TTR next? Xx