It also keeps everything fresher with all of the humidity there. We use the Ziploc bags with a dryer sheet in them.
So jealous Paul that we have to miss this trip and your famous Toy and game party! To those of you who are hesitant of this don't be its truly a...
Well Paul if you must know I learned from this professional licker :p I met years ago! And I practice every chance I get too!:D
We have always brought a bottle of Crown and shotsglasses from the dollar tree with us to Bash and have never had any issues. The drink girls even...
"0" it's here getting ready to board the plane.
I'm pretty sure everytime I have gone in April the forecast is always calling for rain. But it's usually the typical 5-10 min shower. Maybe a...
Damn this day is going by so slow.
1 More day! :marshe::marshe::marshe::marshe::marshe::marshe::marshe::marshe::marshe::marshe::marshe::marshe::marshe::marshe::marshe::marshe::marshe:
Done with my last day of work for the week. Now hurry up and get here Saturday!!! I need my TTR fix ! Can't wait to party with all you crazy...
Wooo Hoooo 3 days! I'm ready to get this party started. :marshe:
For you maybe I can't stand them . I have some Crown vanilla shots and some other. Starting it off with a bang LOL
Same here had to work Saturday then today through Thursday. Haircut Friday morning , Deb has to work Friday till noon. Then drive to St.Louis stay...
Your not alone. I have the same problem
Hey Paul would Lisa like for me to have a couple cans of whipped cream ready for her?
The regular rooms have a small coffee maker like in most hotels a 4 cup I believe if my memory serves me right I was a little intoxicated the...
Last package arrived, bags are packed, 6 &1/2 days (only 4 of work) to go. Anyone else getting excited?
1 week from today
We will be boarding the plane 1 week from right now ! Can't wait :marshe:
Some of the ladies even donate thier suits to a marker bouey out on the ocean ( old B(•)(•)B's cruise tradition). :D
Down to single digits :marshe: 9 days to go! Come on April 28th