I'd like to know that as well...did you book through the resort or through Original ??:confused:
Not yet....we can't book until 60 days prior to arrival.....silly Premier rules !! :banghead:
coulda been the drinks, Jamie ??? :drunk:
Thanks for the invite. When will you be at TTR ??
be careful...I had a bit of a chafe from my bathing suit, and the whipped cream stung pretty good when applied down there !! :icon_eek:
I don't ever like to wish time away...because you never get it back....but May can't get here soon enough !! :cry:
Hi Mark & Zeb !!! We still have not cemented a date yet....but we will surely overlap a few days !! Looking forward to seeing you both again !!...
I (Tom) stopped by to take a look.....AND I'm saying Hi ! I'm not sure you guys were still there when we were in May, but hopefully we'll get a...
I honestly don't have a problem with that!! Roz is beside herself, though, because she's had a back injury for the last two months, and has put...
Mike.....you say that like it's a bad thing !! :flash: :rolleyes:
it's ok, Jamie....we'll put off the flogging ........for now !!! :doh: LOL
Hey Mike & April !! Looking forward to it !! :aktion033: Still have yet to pin down the dates, but we WILL be there !!
Hey Jamie....count Roz & I in !! BTW...sharken is Shari & Ken....great folks we met there this past May !! Hope we get the same crowd next year !!...
We did Selvatica last year, as well, and LOVED it.....my wife is not much of an adrenalin junkie, like me....but she had a blast !! Highly...
Howdy Mike & April, For starters, I want to say it was a pleasure meeting you both! I'm a firm believer in flaunting it if you've got it, but...