Too bad they don't play more of that at the resort !! I hope they've upgraded the soundtrack from last year....kinda got old listening to the same...
4 pairs of flip-flops ??????? :huh: ....and yes, sweetie....clothes ARE overrated !!! :flash:
OK....NOW... I am officially bouncing off the walls in anticipation of this trip !! :huepfen013: Can't wait to see all our old friends & make...
Sorry to hear of your ailment, Steve...Roz & I sure will miss you on the cruise this year, but get your health in order so you may get back to...
You're a brave man, Tom Malin !!! I won't even help my wife pack....I refuse to be blamed if something is forgotten !!!...
Hey Mark & Zeb....we can't guarantee that !!! We'll try to throttle it back until you get there !! LOL Can't wait to see you both !! :aktion030:
I should think NOT !! The tops should be off as soon as we leave the pier !! :flash: The theme doesn't matter much to me....just the really...
Sorry to hear that, Michelle !!! :icon_frown: We'll tip a few for you & Rich :ernaehrung005: .... and share some pics too !! Looking forward to...
Low to mid 80's & HOT !!! :aktion033:
LOL...he knows he has a captive audience on the boat, so...good luck with that !! LMAO !!!
Woo-Hoo !!! We're in !!!! :huepfen013: Almost missed it !! :aktion034: What a travesty that would be !!! :icon_redface:
Trampolines !! YES !!! That's the ticket !! :huepfen021::flash:
I never wish that the time would go faster before our trip....I'm not taking the chance that it won't slow down while we're there !!! :aktion061: