Hey guys. Did Cornie happen to buy a candy bra for school girl night. Fern and Dawn both have one and would not want Cornie to feel left out. And...
Not long now hotties. We don't land until 530 in the evening so we will miss the pool. We will.be there in time for Tuesday kereoke in the night...
How was your trip
Lol they will be In order for sure. It's getting cold here so I am really looking forward to it.
Well got up this morning thinking it's going to be a great day. Looked out the window and it's fucking snowing. 6 more days to boobs and booze!!!!...
Good to see you have booked a fun holiday. We are a fun bunch be sure to look us up when you get in
13 days to fly day. 6 day shifts, five night shifts. Long flight back home then short flight to drunkness. Cheers to all. Look for that hot ass of...
Ya shit I should have read farther down. Lol but hey should never drink and text right. Will you guys be dressing for the theme nights. On the...
As a member of the oil and gas and mining community I fear for our future. As we all agree big industry is a problem they also are our solution....
Hey guys. We arrive the same day you guys do. We are from vancouver island. Look for us we have a small group that will be there. Fun peeps. This...
We thought about but waiting till we get there. It doesnt seem to busy so we will jsut decide there
Haha nice what about candy man underwear. I think that is what I'm going to wear under my kilt
Well that's a bummer. But we will still get a few days together. We will be looking for ya on the 11th. Don't be shy if you see us first and come...
That sounds like a fun game
We bought a twister game for our Nov trip. But never thought of adding baby oil. That would make it very interesting
We will cross over a couple days hope to have shots with ya. Look us at the pool. We will be the crazy ones
Cruise dates are up. Nov 8th for us.
I agree I think there was talk of one already. Like a strip room crawl. Play a card game like lost card loses a piece of clothes?
Daretowear.ca in vancouver
Hey guys we arrive on the 3rd but late afternoon. Hope to meet you and share drinks at patios. Is this you first visit to the resort.