We go in June every year, but have went in March. You will love it!
Yes, we are from MI. One thing worth mentioning is to make sure you call your credit card company an let them know your making an out of country...
I just booked this years trip and used them last year as well. By far the cheapest prices.
We have attended in lat Feb/early March, April and June. June has been by far the craziest and there are plenty of people, though less than April.
I think that was the other way around, Vic!
I am going to put a blanket in the bathroom before the party starts, because I know I will be sleeping in there..:wuerg011:
Farmers Daughter!
And China would tank ASAP as well, hence they wont do this. If the use of the word humanity by the murderous Che isn't irony, I don't know what is....
The 14th is going to be a train wreck.:xyxthumbs:
About the only time I have ever felt the need to pack heat was when driving through Winnipeg, MB AKA murder capitol of Canada..... Truth is I have...
Not only is it OK, but its very much preferred!:xyxthumbs:
Sounds like a pain to upgrade once you get there and expensive too.
Anyone tried to do this and was it cost effective. We are going in June so the resort shouldn't be overbooked.
Its been snowing all day, windy and cold...I am ready for June, like right now!
I like the idea if the guys in all black. I look like Captian Stubing from the Love boat in all white!
We are headed back June 14-23!
Farmers Daughter !
I am totally for Farmers Daughter! B
How crazy the cruises get largely depends on your company. We went on one in 2011 and it was pretty tame. The two cruises we went on last year...
I think I recognize a few of those lovely hotties in your profile pic.....