LOL Thanks, that should set a fire under his ass:aktion033: Other then the lingerie I pretty much have everything else. Oh yea and he still...
Dawn I'm freaking out, less than 4 weeks to go and I still don't have my lingerie. It was Ben's job to pick it out, so have Curtis get on his ass...
I am all for anything that gets the ladies shakin their asses! ~Ben
We are paid up!
Curtis dressed up as priest is going to be a riot!:musik026:
Put us down for the 17th and the 22nd.:ernaehrung005:
Thats what I use for a concealed carry gun!
Is it June yet?:cry:
We use USA Transfers and they have always been great!
Cant wait to see you guys again!
Blah Blah Blah>>:deadhorse:
I had access to gun and ammunition from a very young age, but never once laid a finger on them for fear of my dad spanking the crap out of me. I...
You guys are going to love June!
I went to FHS, but live in the Marquette area now. We go in June and trust me when I say you will have a blast.
We do that too, and for some reason I always end up hammered on the first day. Can't imagine why?
We were going to do that last year, but somehow it never happened. Cant remember why?
Vic, have tried to get B&J to go in June with no luck!
Lisa is checking out cowgirl outfits as I type this.
Ben & Lisa. June 14-23. And we are pumped to tear it up with the June Junkies for year #2!
About half the voters need to be disenfranchised.