Ha, it was 76 the other day and people were on the beach. The beach on Lake Superior! We went form 4 feet snowdepth March 4th to zero. That said I...
Canada's situation is unlike any of the above mentioned. What would kill Canada is a commodity bubble bursting, but that doesn't seem likely.
You mean they actually play music at the sexy pool....Who would have thought,LOL!
We look forward to meeting you as well!
We look forward to meeting you at the sexy pool!
Ok, what's up with the circle?
I will third it! We just got 24" of snow dumped on us, so TTR June can't come fast enough. :cheerleaders:
What if the day the men wear the mask the women can all wear cowboy hats? Just a thought, since most have them. I think that would make a cute...
June 12=20 for us. :ernaehrung005::ernaehrung005::ernaehrung005::ernaehrung005::ernaehrung005:
Hot pink is good because wifey already has one. She doesn't need an excuse to buy more suits!
I am sure you dont think so, but once again reality and your opinion diverge.
Nonsense, if anything left wingers are more critical of Mormonism and religion in general than the right. As for the WASP comment. The democratic...
I think Romney would still catch some heat for being a Mormom even if he ran as a Dem, because most people view Mormonism as a bit odd. I think...
Couple of points. I agree with you on rape, incest etc. However, this doesnt jive with abortion as currently practiced in the US. Most abortions...
We just tell them the truth. The is nothing to be ashamed of at all and we have even taken friends to the resort.