Thanks for the feedback. We were at RM this summer and saw a wide range as well. When was your last stay? Wondering if it was since the...
On one of their blogs it says toplessness allowed at all pools, but not sure if allowed in the pool or just is the chairs, etc.
Anyone stayed at both that can give some comparison? How's the vibe? Is topless more or less at PC vs RM? Types of bikinis worn by the ladies...
So I know this was verbally confirmed, but has anyone been to the resort since this thread started to see how it has actually played out?
Definitely no more foam party.
This was my wife and I's first time at an all-inclusive resort. We typically have done cruises in the past, so much of our vacations...
I heard conflicting things. Someone who knows a lot of the staff around the resort used the word choke. Someone else said someone nearly drowned...
Rumor around here is that someone choked recently during the party, so management shut it down.
Wife and I head out Thursday morning, should be at the resort by 12:30 - 1 (I hope). Looking forward to fun times!
Asking for a friend (lol): Suggestions on what to wear to the neon party? White?
Looks like we're missing a lot by just a few days. Please leave a review so we have even more info to look forward to!
I'm attempting to fill out the tourist card online. The space does not appear to have characters to fill out the address for Breathless. Anyone...
4 weeks and 2 days for us!
I guess the "girls gone wild" crowd debunks that (with enough alcohol). I remember in our early 20's my wife and I were going to meet someone for...
In both makes sense and not, to me, at the same time. I think before kids my wife would more likely have gone top less. Now I think she is in...
Wife and I were looking at the menus, and they appear to be from 2016. Does anyone know if the menus online differ from the actual menus? Also,...
Oops. June on the brain but our trip is in July (19-23). My wife is a no on thongs. She has agreed to a couple with a skimpier cut, but that is...
Thanks for the trip report! This makes me that much more excited for our trip in June. I do have one follow-up question: What was your...
Are rompers common or okay for women at the restaurants?
I believe topless is only allowed at the Xcelerate pool, not the Exhale pool (or Allure pool).