they take you one way - to the club - you have to find your own way back to the resort after the club...
the motto is... no one knows you and no one gives a shit you will find that is very true... i think everyone is just looking for a fun escape...
i had heard it is best to negotiate when you are checking in for the best price. guess it depends how booked the rooms are but from 50-75 per...
no one will care if you are not in a theme outfit as long as your smiling and having a good time. the theme nights are just fun ideas to get...
Hey - We arrive May 4 - 11 for our second trip to TTR !!! Chris loves to dress up for theme nights and we are always looking for fun people to...
This is a great thread, thank u! having 'Aunt Flo' arrive at TTR would absolutely be the worst!!!
Oh it's your first time! You're gonna have a blast & be hooked like the rest of us! :) Yes we are on 2 cruises this year again haha May 5 & the...
That's fantastic! & we still have 2 weeks so I'm sure you'll get it in time!
just drink until you think you are wearing a theme night outfit... then your fine ::popcorn::headbanger::D:ernaehrung015:
we are 14 days! yandy order has arrive so we are all set! ;)
we are doing the 5th and the 9th as well! going to be a blast! we can't wait! need to get our trucker hats still....
Oh fun!! Can't wait to see it! Did u order from Yandy?
damn we are 2 weeks out... next trip...
how long did your order take to arrive from Tangaland?
hey - we are going May 4 - 11, on the 5th and 9th boobs cruise :) if you see us around the sexy pool make sure to say hello! always nice to find...
well your not suppose to tell us... cause now everyone will!:angel1: