Loving your trip report Brad! I may just have to print it off & put it in our Cancun folder to help us remember our own trip LOL Thank God for...
these are the ones we made for our first trip - took them but never used them this past trip. We knew enough people we just hijacked their chairs...
Haha! Ya we miss TTR already too! Back to reality sucks! You should be in Canada, we have today off, Victoria Day..statutory holiday ;) x
While we await Brad's completed report with baited breath,.. I posted an album of pics tonight! :D Really wish I took more. Next time for sure!...
Hey guys! Yes our trip was awesome! I just created an album today, check out our pics! We'd love to go again in Oct but gotta wait & see how the...
Brad where's the rest of the day's reports?! Don't leave us hanging! ;)
I just said what many people were thinking, Sandra rocked her outfits and seemed to fit right in with the whole vibe of the resort. Glad you both...
Yes it was great finally meeting you too! The week always seems to fly by! Not sure we can wait another whole year til May to do it again. Would...
that Evin sounds like a great guy! just sayin... lol we met a crazy and wild couple at check-in... guy had a bikini fetish... kept putting...
http://www.cancuncare.com/forum/temptation-resort-cancun/32449-profile-picture.html edit your avatar here - last post
Great meeting you both too! Hope you had a good time! ya, Lingerie night is definitely one of our favourites too ;)
Yes you guys were a blast! We had a great time meeting you! Texans rock!
I never start with Cancun. I always start off with "Mexico" and usually that's enough. If they ask me where in Mexico, then I say "Cancun" and I...
Such a GREAT trip!! You May Mayhem's did not disappoint! Met so many awesome new people this trip!! Once our livers recover we'll be discussing...
well damn you will be easy to spot! :doh:
damn i am sorry to hear that... talk about bad timing... hope she will be alright a little sun and sand might be exactly what she needs to feel...
Ashley, DEFINITELY bring the sexy slutty stuff with you! I was hesitant on a couple outfits last year (barely there, check out my April 2014...
i am watching my wife go crazy packing as we leave in a few hours for Toronto... then fly out tomorrow morning :) should be at the sexy pool by...
For sure bring them!! Why not? He can always change his mind. But since us ladies are kind enough to give the men a nice show all week long, fair...