The problem is, you're thinking waaaaaaay too much about this. Just tip early and call it good. If it's the same bartender the next day, tip again...
Just book it, worry about it later. Plenty of people here will show you a good time. Definitely don't miss the CC party on the 15th. You'll never...
This needs to get brought back up.
Bad idea? More like, AWESOME IDEA! I roomed with someone off the forum here two years ago and would've been better off alone. Plenty of people do...
Tip big early, more than likely, they'll remember you.
10 days until touchdown! Let's do this thing! Reconfirms: I'm in!!
This is a very dumb question. Of course you should go. You'll be kicking yourself for not going. MAN UP!
[IMG][IMG] It's uncanny.
You're not fooling anybody. Even our friends from Toronto say they don't say it, but they do.
Well there's your problem, Student City posted it, and they rely on people buying packages. There's no way in hell it's 50/50.
Probably not, it's definitely staggering, but keep the positive attitude and you'll have the time of your life. It's expected to be even worse...
Let's keep this back at the top. And a reminder to anyone who hasn't been and is hesitant on going, all are welcome. One of my fondest memories...
I've been waiting for this return. SBG!! SBG!! SBG!!
Yeah man, nobody likes a copycat.
That's the making of a truly awesome Spring Break, especially the spontaneity of it all. I'm staying with Fletch and the only times we've hung...
I agree with Tips, great info, but we all feel safe about the conditions. The people that need convincing is the general public, but good luck there.
Where the hell are you going where you can actually spend $2,000 in Cancun in a week? I did 9 nights and didn't spend over $700, and had an...
Dude. You've made 4 posts on this forum, all about getting laid and how easy it is. Expand your horizons a little. If you're unsuccessful back...
There's another thread on this topic: Can we merge these...
You're going to have a hard time hooking up with girls here, my friend.