Love the beach at TTR!! It's not the size of the beach,it's how you use it.
I wish I would have never left! Reality sucks.
Where are the pics?!:aktion033:
Outstanding!! I love the negative reviews;whatever it takes to keep the uptight,prudish,assholes away.Those of who know TTR,KNOW.
Amen!! :bowdown:
Thank you very much for that! I feel so relaxed now (and a little depressed).I wish I was there right now;laying out on the beach by the sexy...
The beach on the quiet side is gorgeous.I like to go there in the morning and lay in the sun and relax.Then in the afternoon move over to the sexy...
I ride a cruiser.Not going to any bike shows;I really don't need another obsession!:)
With the weather we've been having I am so tempted to go out on the bike!
Great attitude Shannon! Next stop,Hedo.
Curious,what would the ladies think if us guys were able to "enhance"?
:flash:Great answers everyone! Small,big,and every size in between;it doesn't matter,they're all good.But,if they're fake don't over do it.They...
Seattle is beautiful too.The whole pacific northwest is gorgeous;although I've never been there.The farthest west I've been was,years ago, Salt...
Snow followed by rain;I like fog! As beautiful as Canada is and as nice I bet it is to live there,the reality is that I'll probably never leave...
We'll be happy to give you the Kardashians.Please take them!Please!!
Very funny! Thank you for the info about Vancouver.Rain through winter;that sucks.I like the different seasons,so when winter rolls around I love...
So I've noticed.You must be as bored as I am.While the rest of the world is doing family stuff at this time of year,I don't have any family.So...
Hi John.I go by myself (twice) and never have a problem.Just be open and friendly and you'll meet a lot of very nice people and have a great...
What Kimmiey said.That section rules!