The Ravens are my favorite AFC team.I'm so happy they won.Rematch next year? Bring it!! :clappyinghappy:
I would love to see the Ravens win it all.But I know that's not going to happen;they haven't been playing well enough.Just as long as the Packers...
Is it wrong for a woman to have a bikini addiction? NOT AT ALL!! :clappyinghappy:
Real life is the disease;TTR is the perscription.Greatest meds in the world! :)
Probably be there mid Sept. for the third time.This year I went to Golden Parnassus.But next year,back to TTR!
I wear as little as possible when laying out on the beach and a small square cut when socializing by the pool.
Will do.The last two years I went to Temptation and it was great.Just wanted to try somewhere else this time and I've read good things about the...
Sounds great! Three more days and I'm going to be there.
Never heard of it.Great site.Thank you!
I get in on the 12th.Post reports you guys!
Sept.12-19.Getting excited!
Go on the trip anyway by yourself.You'll have a great time!!
Let the rest of us know how your trip was. Hope you have a great time!
I too have chosen GP this year.I've gone to TTR the last two years and loved it.I just wanted to try something different this time.I know GP's not...
How long will you be there? I'm there Sept.12-19.
Well said! :aktion033:
"Whoever is playing the Cowboys". Nice!!
I know what you mean.The Bears have a gift when it comes to being disappointing.I respect the Packers;they're a great team.But,THEY'RE THE...