Thank you GoGoBlanco! That's very nice of you.I apologize for the photo drama.When it comes to computer stuff I'm as dumb as the day is long.But...
[IMG] Okay.This time I was able to upload the pic from my album here on CCC.
[IMG][/IMG] Oh crap.I deleted the image from photobucket figuring I didn't need it there anymore.I put it back up there and now I'm trying to...
Very funny Karen!!:p
I just thought it would be fun to put up a LITTLE picture.Not a billboard!:doh:
What the hell!!! Oh my god! I'm very sorry about this people.This is overkill.I don't know what I just did.But thank you all for the help.Thank...
Thank you all for your tech help!! Sorry I didn't reply sooner;had to go to work.Okay,lets give this a whirl and see what happens.And yes,I am a...
Hi Karen.Thank you for the help.I've tried photobucket and;nothing.I click on the code and it copies.I got that.But I don't know how to paste.Life...
I've tried every form of sorcery there is to post a pic or two here;but nothing works.I've followed helpful advise given to me but;nothing.It's...
Sounds like fun!! Enjoy!
:aktion030: Hi Amber.When in Sept. are you going? I'm looking at 10-17.
I'm looking at Sept.10-17.Being half Scottish,I love meeting Scots!!:aktion069:
I've been trying to post pics with replies but just can't figure it out.I tried following Donald's excellent,easy instructions on the "Adding...
They're ALL good and appreciated! :aktion033:
You're going to love TTR! In 2008 I went to Hedonism II.2009 was Hedo III.I'll only go to adults only resorts and had never been to Cancun...
First trip 2010.Then 2011.Last year I went to Golden Parnassus.This year,probably mid Sept.,back to TTR!
That's where I buy mine.I've been trying to post pics from my album here but can't figure out how to do it.:doh: