To me I think a restaurant is where you respect the person you're with if we try to dress up and look nice for our man it's nice for them to look...
They didn't seem to be bothering anybody doing their Mile High activity at least better than having a crying baby throughout the flight they seem...
I totally agree with you he has a pretty full plate especially with donating so much of his time to the cause he helped so much that's why my...
Was the 81 year-old of Scotland a tall kind of ball headed man that was a bodyguard in his work profession
Vegas is totally cool place to go love the World Series of Poker every summer just got back from being there Fremont Street is great they had...
One thing I think we all agree on is chinos would bring that great bye and I understand that Temptations is trying to go in a different direction...
Yes definitely something needs to be done between 3 and 5 at the sexy pool in my opinion chinos for a couple hours one day a week would make the...
Love your way of thinking I think that was ABC night LOL
Janet should be super happy Mexico beat Germany it was highly unexpected but we're super happy if they play super hard they might have a chance...
Just got a super good tip from one of the other threads using gallon size Ziploc bags and putting theme clothes for each night in a separate bag...
love your suggestion on one gallon Ziploc bags for theme nights
I think you misunderstood me not for him to come back as a job per say The Daily Grind but just guest appearances like he did on the closing kind...
We all know when chinos was mc .For the closing party it was the best party ever and maybe with him coming one day in a week and one night a week...
I know I just heard everyone talking about bring your bottle of wine which I can definitely bring a bottle of wine I just prefer to drink other stuff
Thanks jannet I was wondering how often do you update the Roll Call we put our request in about a week ago thanks appreciate it
My husband says my go-kart racing days are over after a pretty nasty accident but just one more hurdle to get over and get back to Temptations
Sorry supposed to say chinos can't use my right hand was in a go-kart racing accident LOL
As a tip I would also suggest they bring chinos back as a guest on the MC you want to crank up the party at the pool bring him back as a guest and...
:marshe: being at the closing September 2016 it was the best party ever with chinos as the MC:) that all night party was the greatest:marshe: I...