I have to agree sexy schoolgirl sexy construction worker the owner got a kick out of seeing all the construction workers the night we were there...
I see you have sexy superheroes listed but we're missing that date is there anyway from the 15th Thru the 20th maybe you can squeeze it in as an...
You hit it right on the head one of my three favorite reasons thanks for your input
From reading all the responses I think the number one reason people go back is because the people they meet at Temptations making new friends as...
Couldn't agree with you guys more awesome we'll be there as well from April 28th to May 9th hope to meet you guys
Wow congratulations !! we got married that as well I Temptations in 2012 and we just celebrated our 5 year anniversary there. part of our vows...
You're going to love the renovation's been there twice since the opening can't wait to go again
Love your theme nights
Could you add sexy superhero to your list between the 15th and 20th would be great
Maybe on your ABC night could you put / sexy construction worker that was a big hit in November actually made the owner laughs because he saw all...
I was wondering if any of the days will have the sexy construction worker sexy school girl or sexy superheroes those nights there was a lot of...
We are there from April 29th to May 9th some of our favorite themes for Cancun care is sexy superheroes sexy construction worker sexy school...
We actually when they're in September and the steakhouse was very good depends on which steak you choose. Seafood was delicious was one of our...
It will be great to see you guys again