LAST DAY TO VOTE!!! Home for supper at 4:45 Votes are Sherry 950 ( 22 votes) Wild 964 ( 43 votes) ...Bony 563 ( 13 votes) Come on people and...
I don't see much taste there, too much Red! lol Darren
Sherry definitely didn't get any of your product! I wish we did though, I actually saw you on the pool deck the day after I got my burn, but was...
Since ToriB never said it, You can always buy it from her! I wish I went to talk to her when we were at TTR so I didn't turn into a Lobster on our...
Last Day to Vote Everyone.. so if you have not voted, or you have a extra email you would like to use.. now is the time.. help me kick Wilds...
Thats what we did wrong, we coulndt go on the Monday that ttr cause of the boobs cruise we had that full day.. so we bought vip tickets , but all...
Last Day to vote Everyone.. So if You feel like Kicking Wilds Ass with me hehehe .. Send in a vote for me at xox Sherry
Calling it a night.. Thanks for all the votes today ..hugs and kisses Sherry
Yea.. Im glad it took your vote.. well im calling it a Night.. Votes at 10:23 Sherry - 895 ( 15 Votes since supper time ) Wild - 895 ( 1 Vote...
DONT WEAR HIGH HEELS!! lol I wore my sexiest outfit thinking dance club, your standing in one spot for hours .. and you cant really dance there is...
Oh well...there are a few problems with the site. Thanks so much for trying!
i usally got my codes either right away, or within a few min.. but some people said they never got a code, or they found it days later in junk...
Charlene, It is possible that you have the code typed in wrong, like a O instead of a Try copy and pasting the code and make sure...
Im with you on this one Bones.. Im wont throw in the towel.. i will keep begging for votes.. hehehe take that wild! lol as i was saying.. i will...
I think they did.. Votes Since Lunch time to 6:13pm Sherry- 880 (62 Votes) Wild - 894 ( 40 votes) (total votes since lunch time - 282) Bony - 524...
We will definitely let everyone know when we will be back....with any luck it will be January! Otherwise, most likely April 2013, and who knows...
Thanks again peeps. We knew we only had a 33.333333333% chance of winning the actual contest before you factor in the Mexican Political...
Sherry is at work, but she says she really appreciates the support guys. The way I look at it, the worst case scenario is we have to wait until...
Actually she got 240 votes in exactly 2 hours.
lol...if they only knew we weren't on the rock and were will to drive on our own dime to Montreal or even Halifax.