please no frogs dude... not again, they might run you over this time...
id jizz my pants hahaha im going to my first glowday party at the city tonight... losers!
hahahaha ill prolly have my girls with me, around 6-7 girls maybe... if we can do this in a wednesday night id love it, i have thursdays off......
yes! im gonna be broke for the rest of the year, but my feet will look pretty lol
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! wooooooooooooooo way to go!
i heard that for sure Drake is not coming back in a while
ditto!!!! woooooo
WOW... where are you staying?
i had it for a couple of months and it is nowhere close to the one in the states... plus some movies are only available in spanish... i canceled...
probably I will be the only one around those dates hahaha
i always leave my passport at home... oh wait... hahahaa
smarty pants :huepfen021:
please excuse my fellow moderator... HE'S JUST BEING AWESOME you mr. Fletch... you suck oh and CrazzyKK, Cancun is your best option
ive heard rumors recently about lil wayne, nothing certain yet
there is a lot of different options and a whole lot to do, specially if you dont only want to party check the tours out here: Cancun Tours:...
Nico I have to differ here... in the past if you had oasis bracelet it was good in ALL the properties... but since they sold it and now they have...
ditto i would say its not walking distance, but people is crazy now a days haha
Tequila is all i drink :)
yaaaaaaay! I got one right!!!!! wooooo!!!!
i am thinking Electronica Gonzalez on Yaxchilan Avenue would be it, but i could be wrong, its a good place to start. WELCOME!