On the one way fare between Playa and Cancun, those who can prove they live in Cancun pay only 36 pesos, rather than the standard fare of 60...
Thank you, B.T., we'll get by there sometime soon, maybe tonight! Have you tried the Wine and Tapas place on Av Nader? I've read that they also...
I'll just comment on item 3, and 5, at this time. 3. Ciguaterra can occur here and the public health authorities issue warnings when the risk...
I didn't know about it at the time and didn't think to ask, and it's not promoted in an obvious way at the license bureau, but there is a 50%...
Since Roots Jazz Club closed I haven't known what may be some of the better places to go to have a drink and listen to some good music. I was...
Depending on which beach you were were heading for anywhere from 25-40 minutes by taxi would probably do it, using the southern entrance to the...
Here's the story as I understand it. Starting about three years ago Cablemas began telling its customers that they were soon going to suspend the...
Tonight's game (May 7) features a "women get in free" promotion in an effort to promote midweek attendance....
The CFE offers this on their website for those who've had their service changed to "programmed" billing (using a card which is read...
Here's a recent report from another holder of permanent residency about their experience in dealing with immigration at the airport. I would...
Latest test of internet speed. [IMG] Yesterday I confirmed with Cablemas that the speed should be almost 10 mbs. T.J. told me his speed, which...
I got back from a trip to San Cristobal de las Casas Saturday and discovered that, while we were gone, my Cablemas internet speed had been cut...
My wife got this vaccination at Sanitorio No. 2, which is immediately behind ISSTE on Av Kabah. As I recall it cost about 800 pesos. The...
Awfully sorry to hear about your need for chemo, and a lack of a passport and the ability to get one. If you mean this literally then travel in an...
Some thoughts, only, and no suggestions.... 1. Transportation was a service reserved to Mexicans by the NAFTA treaty. (You can look in the...
Passport control, and customs, are stress producing experiences for travelers so we don't want to or need to make these processes any harder than...
Interestingly, Mauricio Mendoza, a Mexican lawyer who does a lot of immigration work maintains the Mexican line is just for Mexicans. As...
Good friends of mine applied for a visa to allow them to enter Mexico for the purpose of establishing permanent residency. They were amply...