There has been a lot of excitement and energy building on this board, but keep in mind, energy is never truly lost it just transforms, acts upon...
Well, there is plenty of that in the search for the right one.
Haha...sorry, she doesn't have a sister...just an ex-sister-in-law with 3 kids in tow and a douche bag ex husband that is Kati's older brother....
Thing is, douchebaggery isn't limited to any national origin, gender plumbing, marital situation, size of group, etc. Douche bags come in all...
When you find the right partner, long-term relationships leave everything else in the dust. They can be wilder, crazier and more fun than single...
Personally, I haven't puked from booze in years. Last time I remember was senior year in high school, I was waiting for an elevator along with...
Holy craaaaaaaaaaap! It's the week of! Can. Not. Wait. [IMG]
Speaking of beer...does anyone remember the old Corona bottles that had a bottle opener type thing molded into the bottom of the bottle? Pure genius.
Travel tip of the day: Pee before we take off because as soon as they close the door, I'm out and you can't wake me up.
How much for pictures with the party animals around the pool?
We love us some Vegas...did you hit one of the topless pools? Moorea is our favorite.
This waiting crap is for the birds...made doubly as painful because we were originally going to go this weekend until we saw the price break for...
You saying a different pic is called for? No need to be a llama hater... ;-)
Ahhh, the mighty tauntaun.
Not soon enough...have to finish sending out resumes so I can feel like I earned the vacation.
Sweet fancy moses! You gave birth to an 8-year-old?
Holding out hope that the two ladies decide they want to do it...
5 days and 23 hours and you'll have a born-n-raised St. Louisian (???) there as well...
So, several weeks ago, I started my tolerance training routine in preparation for TTR. I'm sure everyone does some sort of training or lifestyle...
You mean we're allowed to leave the site?