I'm asking for a friend… No seriously.
Does the gift shop sell "toys"?
Finishing up my to-do list...then packing. [IMG]
We haven't had the pleasure of meeting you ... but we will.
Thanks all. Think we'll do margs at Margs.
Sasquatch sighting at our house last night but I took that mutha out. ...with clippers...
Ok...so the last of our party arrives at the airport around 3:30...figure by 5 we are at TTR. What are our non-reservation food options for...
Social Media Explained Twitter: I am #half-naked at #TTR. Facebook: I like being half-naked at TTR. Foursquare: This is where I am half-naked...
Crap, just realized that our tickets were bought and confirmed, but the room got held up by the fraud department at our credit card company and...
Went and got a new suit today. Man oh man, I am white, out of shape and hairy. By the way, this is Pete, not Kati.
Kati packed today...it was hilarious. Kati looking at 3 small piles of clothes: I think I'm done. Me: That's the least you've ever brought...
I would need to borrow a camera that has excellent macro settings.
Oh I can grab a t-shirt for Paty O's...
No but seriously...socks on cocks is Ok for lingerie night? I have a preemie newborn bootie that I can almost fill out and might make that my...
Just booked USA Transfers...it's starting to feel real...
When the hell does Thursday get here? It seems to be avoiding us...
Lucky. Have a safe trip...
Our weather has been horrible here. There have been a few breaks with some cloud cover but for the most part, we're busy shoveling sunshine. We...
Any tips on how to get there sooner than Thursday?