OMG, just read this on the website..... wont give any dates, but DAMN!!!! would be nice to see Chino's and the gang!
handyman, they told me when I was there last September and they were trying to sell me an upgrade, that I could only use one week AI fees, and...
handyman, the first contract you had is the one I am now using. With the limit on points I can get one flight per year. Last May when I was there...
I had the same thought Jamie...... :cry:
after last year in May that's all the girl's talk about...... I am soooo counting down !!
<<~~~raising hand I remember......LOL so sorry we wont be seeing you guys again.....we will have a drink and think about you !!
ditto, unless someone heard something from the attorney....I get no response, I dont think they give a hoot about what we think or what we are...
who said yacht???? where??? <<~~~~~waving hand....pick me, pick me !!!!
my Sprint/Nextel direct connect works down there, my phone doesnt unless I set it up to, but I have used direct connect the past several times I...
We have always used Brant....well not the 1st time, but we learned our lesson, have never had a problem, on time, very nice drivers, and reasonable !!
indeed there is.....don't know what's in it, other than tequila...but it tastes like a grape jolly rancher......ummm but careful, it will mess...
or stop at the duty free store in the airport and get some there....I had a hard time finding Captain Morgans at the store across the street. They...
Last year we arrived kind of late, I think we got to the resort at about noonish on Friday. As soon as we checked in I went right to Sergio, he...
Jamie, that just cracked me up..........Michelle and I did have a great time !! even with my "stalker"....LMAO...
is probably what I am going to do in is cheaper to buy a package on one of the sites than pay the high all inclusive fees, but maybe...
ppsstttt Jamie.... my name is Penny, and our dates are the 16th thru the 20th, so far there are 4 of us all together
no kidding Bart........I thought the same thing !!!! no such luck, looked on the site
I'm very sorry I gave you that impression Andre....I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this resort. We go every year, sometimes twice. and yes I did know what...
True enough........I actually went to the sites mentioned above, but couldnt find any Temptations, was interested in what they would be asking...
Angi, I have been looking for 4 of us girls that want to come there in May, and the best prices I can find are on Expedia....that is with airfare...