29th sounds good
I am coming with a friend perhaps two, but after the last trip I was totally to some solo since I found every on so nice and friendly
Your coming back in December? me too! Just booked 25th Nov untill 2nd Dec
Oh my its on!!
I booked yesterday but seems pretty much the same as Thompsons in regards to the prices ,deposits and what they offer i.e. free transfers and...
Its true Thompsons are nolonger offering the Temptations resourt to their customers :( I just booke my next trip through Thomas Cook
Just booked my trip back to Temptations 25th of Nov - 2nd Dec :)
Happy new year everybody!! Since returning to the UK from Cancun I have bending my friends ears with all mine and Shelby’s holiday exploits in...
I went to Coco Bongos and Daddy’o with the resort and have a great time!! All the temptations people get their own table and the drinks are...
You are my hero Karen! Travelling on my own is something I have always wanted to do but I have been to chicken so far, you were so bubbly and...
Yes his hands were massive! at least he found somthing in the end lol! And my names Lee-Anne by the way lol Tequilla!! Oh yeah saw you dancing...
I think your right! I'm already trying to bully my friends into going with me!
I don’t know what is wrong with some of the people on trip advisor! Some of the posts make Temptations sound like a hell hole when that couldn’t...