Awww that sucks! u will def miss one hell of a partyyyy! :cool:
Leanne u should go during spring break :cool: its absolutly amazing :headbanger:
seen bruno and borat!! Borat FTW
i would drown that punk!
hahahaha sack taking a taxi there!!!
have a blast all!! look fed to the pics :) my weekend should be quite good! am off to a music festival so i will be smashed all weekend!...
i use my free to watch episodes that have been screened in the states but not here!!
yea i heard eminem was in on the prank but didnt know how naked bruno was going to be :cool:
ok franco keep us updated :o)
brunos stunt at the mtv awards!! hilarious!! [media] i cant wait for his new movie :cool:
will we be able to watch this in the uk?
i dont reccomend that breezy unless ur doing it naked and we can watch :) no seriously we did it one night when we was about to go home!! i dont...
GIP :)
ill be there living it up!! prob from the 7th-21st :D just waiting for them to be put on the holiday websites so i can book it up :cool:
Out tonight for end of season curry then night out at the clubs :o) tomorrow going to watch the final match of the league season and hope my...
another day bites the dust woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
went and seen this on friday night!! was quite good i enjoyed it!!! Cant waitttt for transformers 2 :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: Megan...
cool ty for the info don :cool:
stuff it with pepperoni jalepenos and onions and it woudl be good!!! was going to say it looked more like a pic!! need to hands to lift the...
whats cinco de mayo never heard of it