I leave for Londonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn tomorrow for a pre-cancun tear up then early morning flight sunday c you all out there...
Looking good here folks! Cant wait Woohoooooooooooooooooooooooooo
went to walrmart twice last year to re-stock on vodka as it was cheaper! i'm not sure the exact bus but on the windscreen it has wal-mart...
Ive played it on! it was not bad apart from the smell that comes from the little ponds! also my ball landed next to the lake wasnt to keen to go...
I dont arrive until sunday :mad::mad::baby2: frogs is awesome aswell! Oh well i will def be out sunday night have no plans for that play it by ear :D
i normally found the toilets at frogs not to bad at all! I guess it was maybe busier certain nights i dunno! i do remember the lines being backed...
haha aye my voice is still fucked from sunday what a way to win! was funny all the fenians were spewing :D :D :D
im with boxy No surrnder :)
haha nightmare! 110% better showing this year and to be honest fletch i cant remeber it either haha
Yea mate our first night last year we just did a few smaller bars like slices etc prob will do the same this year on first arrival then hit it...
think i will pass on them seen akon last year and the city was super packed! will prob go see david guetta though :)
6 days BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM feel Feeling a little tender this morning reading this site is helping knowing ill be on a beach come...
Only cure for a hangover is keep drinking :o)
Wooohoooooo nice one norma :)
where can i buy a bottle duty free? ill share it out will be a good laugh :)
Well i guess ill just have to give it a bash! :orangehat:
ok what does it taste like?
sorry for being a noob but whats an everclear shot! they sound interesting :)
2 shot glasses stuck in a normal vod+mixer glass with red bull in it! the two shots are goldschlager and sambuca pull out the sambuca down it...
the games on the forum my man!