check out this:
bumping up... sorry if this annoys anyone but it's a good cause.
Added.. :)
For sure.... and if you leave take Joel and Paula with you *L*
I know.. it sucks that we're gonna miss each other... like the Leafs say... maybe next year. We for sure won't be able to go in Sept :( NOTE:...
glow night has to do with glow sticks (or anything glowing) *L*... most of us go to the dollar store and get a bunch of various types and sizes...
There's no such thing as too revealing ;)
bump. Hope everyone had a happy Easter
On our first trip to Cancun we found a post on this site about bringing toys for the kids down there. We really loved the idea and have done...
You're gonna have a great time and not want to go to any other resort ever again *L*
*L*.. I never said it would be easy
If you arrive drunk you don't usually fall prey to the first day curse... Start drinking when you get up to leave for your trip and you'll be...
Farmers daughter night... NICE.. that's gonna be a hit.
Love you all but: If the music is too loud you're too old. :huepfen013: I will say that by the end of the week you can tell what song is coming...
Someone mentioned that the week might be a little busy with theme nights so I thought I'd take out the Wed one as most women will be doing the hot...
Can't wait guys. :).. slowly but surely we're gonna meet everyone here *L*
We're not sure we can commit so we're not going to toss our hat in the ring and then back out on Steve.
I fixed it.. I actually started up an early june theme night thread. You'll find at least 3 couples in our group participating hopefully all 5...
Here's what we're suggesting for the end of May beginning of June. What do you guys think? Ideas? Thoughts? Questions? Sat May 28th – Pool...
The ladies have a choice between white dress or wearing just a men's white dress shirt. ala Risky Business