we're going to make our next attempt to quit after TR. We already don't smoke in the house or Jeep and we haven't smoked at work for months. We...
From what I've read it's a Martini party *L*... you never know though.
Are you talking about the All White Friday night theme? Basically wear all white clothes.
We'll be wearing ours and we'll be around M-n-K. Problem solved *L*
Initially I thought they should release them also but after thinking about it for a bit I'm not sure it really matters. Sure it will convince...
The participation and no cameras rules at Lingerie night is Temptations going back to the way it originally was. We've seen the effect of not...
The resort has stuff planned for every night.. just not themes
We're in on the same day. See you at the sexy pool. :)
Because if they don't release the details then all of the crackpots will make up the story to fill in the gaps.
I adjusted Friday to show that the All White dress code is an official TTR theme.
So there is a white night.. kewl... They didn't have this last year... So don't worry about being a noob.. they're always changing things up.
We're shooting for EVERYONE *L*
I have a feeling this year's glow night is going to blow last year out of the water :).. can't wait.
He mentioned something to me about being at a Volleyball tournie at TR
They just need to make flavoured, glow in the dark body paints and we're all set *L*
*LOL*.. not surprising *L*.. he hasn't been the same since he got hit in the face with a chair.
This is why Fox should not be considered News. *L*
Thanks Tori, great advice. Are there any brand names that you would suggest? Are there any good sport or water friendly SPFs?
I don't know if it will tighten security but I don't think we'll ever go back to the relaxed security that we had before 9/11. Bin Laden was the...
I'm pretty new to sunscreen.... for years I never needed anything... the Ozone must really be deteriorating... *L*... Thanks