I'm headed out tomorrow to get things for the kids. :) We're also packing up some of our daughter's clothes that she's out grown. And thanks to...
one day and a wakeup and we're back at TR :D:D:D. I have a feeling that this year is going to blow away last year especially when it comes to the...
Thanks for the info Jamie. I'm glad to hear that management is reaching out to repeaters.
I understand what you're saying but how are they supposed to know who is innocent? Jamie's point about stopping people from having sex in public...
Check out Jamie's post Security In April/May After reading that I don't think a letter is needed. Just some understanding from the resort's...
I now how to make time stand still. While you're down there spend time looking for a job *L*... My clocks have almost stopped this week. *L*
Well done Jamie... seeing things from a different perspective can be difficult sometimes. I think understanding things from the hotel's point of...
really... how hard is it raining... where are you guys flying out of?
Deal. I'll keep your mind off work if you keep me occupied to *L*... I'm finding that it's easy to stare at a computer screen all day when you're...
a couple of small scented candles just in case your room has a musty smell. If you're sensitive it will help. Someone recently suggested to save...
Curtis.... put her on this board and have have talk to the people here. I'm sure any fears she may have will be taken care of quickly. There...
I can attest to that. I'm not the burning type and had second degree burns last year on day one *L* Sunscreen sunscreen sunscreen
We're headed down for the 6th time and taking USD. While down there we tip in whatever we have. One thing though.. try to get rid of all of your...
5 days to go and the week couldn't be moving slower. Sexy pool here we come.
See you guys in a week :)
Anyone know if the sports bar shows the UFC fights? They're pay per view in Canada.
Thanks for the report dmac. This is the kind of detail that the letter to Temptations needs. When I wrote them asking about the security issues...
I added it to the first page :).. Congrats Dan
Trust us... Even though security maybe be causing a couple of issues right now it's the people that will make your week.. If we could extend our...
Yeah... like that'll happen *L*.. here... hold my beer for me. *L*