Thanks for the like guys! Hope to meet you there!!
Hey Canadian...think we met you last year.
Hope to see you all 10/26. Our fifth time!
Hi Paul and Lisa, don't count us out yet. We booked today to arrive 10/26. You know those N.Y.ers....always wait until the last minute!!
Thanks, we look forward to meeting lots more friendly folks!!
Relax Charlene, we changed a few things and will see you there for your birthday we think!:whisper:
Hello you two. We just booked, believe it o!! Hope to see you again.
Hey Guys! We just booked. Hope to see you for Halloweeny. Let us know of any room parties happenin!
Halloween again! We arrive on Saturday.:musik026::musik026::musik026::musik026:
Ok, we just booked. One more time 10/26 - 11/2 Hope to see you all!!
Let us know how it is there you guys. We want to book next year!!
We're thinking of it Charlene, it's not dead yet (the trip I mean) Good deal if we book this weekend. Keep you posted!
Hello all!! We're thinking of a last minute decision to head to Temp again this year for Halloween. Just looking around to see who will be there...
We sure would like to Charlene. Some things came up but if Rik and Marie keep trying to persuade Linda we still might make it!! If not, we will be...
Ken and Joyce, It was good seeing you again. Sorry we had to be such party poopers but that's pretty much how I spent the week! Thanks to Doc and...
Have a safe trip everyone. See you on Sunday!!!
:cheerleaders: Ken and Joyce, we wish you a safe trip. We are watching the storm a little farther east and south of you. We will be landing in...
Hope to meet you there!!
Hi Doc n Nurse, it will be good to see you guys again, our wrists are ready!:aktion030: