RikMari, likewise! We can discuss when we get threre!!
Thanks for the info, Aragin, I'm sure after they do it once...they won't forget the next time. Hope to see you soon!!
Al n Ann Oct30 to Nov5
Sorry about that, I meant WEAR! I gotta get this spell check thing figured out...
Oh, we can do that Kazlis, it would be a terrible if you didn't have anything to where :icon_redface:
Oh....great.....SPAIN doesn't have it either????
Ok! Who's for making a midnight run to Canada with a trailer full of Whipped Lightning??
Body paint???
Count us in, 10/30 to 11/5
We finally found it in N.Y. in our local liquor store. I think the state just allowed it to be sold here.
and....you don't have to keep it refrigerated! I'm afraid to read the label..
Yep! Whipped Lightning is the best! Love the serving trays!
Kathie? Is she bringing it this year?
Hey guys, we will if we don't use it up before!
Hello! Not sure about white nite. It is something new since last year but if it's anything like lingerie night just about anything goes as long as...