Still up in the air... not sure my liver can handle 3 in one trip. lol
Yep, that is the correct list. :)
A he... Search "Bearhug" on the forum... that's him.
Also, if you haven't already, scroll back through this thread, we have a slightly different (from the resort) set of themes for the group.
It is a play on Octoberfest... Since October is breast cancer awareness month. Plus, breasts. :) It's just the name of the regular group that...
We are there Oct 4-11th... my friend is from QBC & fluent. No worries!
And Kurt is definitely awesome... despite anything you may hear. ;):D
lol... I'm a quick learner. ;)
Remember you get to decide what you do. And since your dates line up with ours a word of advice, don't do anything the big guy named Kurt tells...
I can't believe we're already at 2 months out! :):marshe:
Here... Theme Night Planning - October 9 -24
Theme Night Planning - October 9 -24 Check here...
Thank you... Looks like vodka tonic for the week! :)
I will have these available for $5 donation (or more if you want to donate) - 100% to Chinos! I'll be at the resort from Nov 22- Dec 2, so come...
I know! I saw it pop up on my countdown, but I couldn't come up with anything clever.. lol
Hello! Is the included wine decent? Thanks! :)
Ah... OK. That's the list I've been planning to... You're just special & going early... ;)
I'm missing something... which night is Playboy night?
I'm following them for the most part... I already have the toga from last year (that I never got to wear cause it wasn't GP appropriate - lol)....
I can't freaking believe it's only 26 more days!!!! I am so excited!!!!